Workshops and Training

Investing in Your Employees Is an Investment in Your Company's Success

“Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.” ~ Anne M. Mulcahy, former chairperson and CEO of Xerox Corporation

I can teach your team how to better communicate, to understand how their behaviour affects others, and how their responses to others' behaviours affects the team.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others."

Build Your Team with Style

Turn your team's individual personalities and communication styles into the driving force for effective teamwork.

Building a high-performance team is not an easy task! Individual needs, strengths, values, motivations, and perspectives come into play and can make or break a team.


I can help you understand, appreciate, and learn to celebrate these differences; this will make the difference between a good team and a great team. 

In this exciting, interactive, and fun Team-Building Workshop, participants will learn how to improve performance and personal wellness by understanding how your self-perception and perception of others impacts the workplace. Appreciating and valuing our differences is a key tool to leverage and create dynamic, strong, and powerful teams that communicate effectively and accomplish their goals. 

Delivered as half-day or full-day sessions.


Learn how your perception to situations and reaction perceived by others can work to build a stronger, more effective workplace

As a DISC program facilitator, I can help your employees identify and understand their individual behavioural styles and the behavioural styles of their teammates. Building and understanding a DISC profile will help you and your team:


  • Better understand your their priorities and tendencies in comparison the others
  • Recognize and respect the behavioural traits in others
  • Adapt personal style for improved communication with others
  • Understand customer priorities and increase sales
  • Improve your management capabilities
  • Lead organizations better by understanding the intricacies among Vision, Alignment, and Execution
  • Experience less conflict and better connection with their peers and managers


Delivered as half-day or full-day sessions.

FISH! Philosophy for Teams

We spend most of our adult lives—100,000 hours or more—at work. That time is precious. It’s a tragedy if we aren’t happy and energized. It’s a loss for our organizations too.
The FISH! Philosophy is a proven way to find joy and energy in our work. When a team lives these four simple practices, it builds trust, teamwork, appreciation and accountability—the foundation every team needs to excel.

I can run the FISH! program in full- or half-day sessions. You can also invite me to speak to a large group as a keynote to help you strengthen relationships that improve your performance and culture. 

Engaged employees bring a whole new level of performance, building your company's bottom line… and your sanity!

Want to learn more about a workshop?

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